Saturday, March 22, 2014

let's keep moving!

This is a great article on the benefits of how just getting up off our bums more often can improve our health.    Every little bit helps!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Time to Modernize!

After years of procrastination, Orthosport, the Physiotherapy clinic I work from, has a website!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

cardiac health

Many of my clients come to be treated for tissue injury or overuse, yet leave feeling relaxed and more 'at ease' after a deep tissue, therapeutic massage.  Here is a brief article citing research on massage and heart health that came across my desk.  I found the stats showing benefit of reduced blood pressure post-massage evident 72 hours later very interesting!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

make your own sports drink

It is getting hotter and hotter out there, and many are ramping up their training regimen!  Summer is short here, and we need to make the most of it!  Although I have no argument with plain water, the need to replenish electrolytes post-sweat is said to be quite important as well.  Dozens of different kinds of sports drinks are on the market, claiming to be 'smarter'.  I'm thinking that making something at home is the smartest yet!

In order to save $$$ and stay hydrated and electrolyte balanced, here is a recipe for a make-at-home sports drink, using only juices, salt and water.  The OJ is the potassium bit, the apple juice is the sugars bit, and the salt, well, that is the salt bit.  And then the most important component of all, the H2O.

make in a large jug:
1/2 C orange juice
3 C apple juice
3/8 t salt
fill jug to make 2 litres.
(8 cups)
run, jump, and play,
then come in and enjoy a tall glass!
or take it with you in your H2O bottle;
just remember not to leave this in the sun for days,
and then take a swig.
not nice.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

infraspinatus and supraspinatus

the rotator cuff is a mysterious concoction of muscles and skeletal attachments;  let's take a look at two of this group of muscles. these ones join the scapula (shoulder blade) and the head of the humerus (upper arm) together.   they can often be weaker than their 'opposites', the pectoral muscles, and this can lead to dysfunction of the shoulder joint.


here are two strengthening tools, easily done at home with minimal equipment.  3 sets of 10 is a good place to start, but take your time, and trust your body.
n.b.: thanks to the LIVESTRONG website for these;  {there are many helpful fitness and rehab tips at this site, listed below}

Lying External Rotation:

The external rotation movement of your shoulder utilizes the infraspinatus muscle. To perform the exercise lying down, lie on your side with a light dumbbell (or can of beans!) in your hand, and your palm facing down. Keep your upper arm tight against your ribs and your elbow bent at a 90 degree angle. Your elbow should rest on your hip area. Start with your hand up in the air, then slowly lower it down toward the floor. Rotate your shoulder by bringing your hand back up to the starting position. You can also perform the exercise standing with a resistance band or cable machine at the gym.

Side Shoulder Raise:

Commonly known as a lateral raise, a side shoulder raise works your supraspinatus, as well as your side deltoids. You can perform the exercise with dumbbells, resistance bands or anything else that provides light resistance and you can hold in each hand. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and the weights in front of your waist, your hands facing one another. Slowly lift the weights up and out to the sides until your arms are about parallel to the floor. Lower your hands back to where you began, then repeat.

Read more:

Friday, April 26, 2013

rhomboid strengthening

many of us have weakened, overstretched rhomboid muscles. when strong and healthy, this muscle group serves to retract and support the scapula, and provides stability for better posture.  our daily, arms forward, activities do very little to strengthen the rhomboids, so they usually can benefit from a little help!

a simple strengthening routine can improve the stamina of these muscles, improving posture and reducing discomfort and triggerpoints in the upper back and shoulder girdle.  there are many ways to accomplish this, but the real trick is finding a 'tool' you can fit into your regular routine, without a lot of extra gear.

here is a simple one that can be done at home.  i really like the arm rotation aspect of this exercise, as it  helps to open up the chest as well.

the act of simply pulling the shoulder blades towards each other while standing (in line at the grocery, waiting on hold for your cable tech representative, etc.), and holding the contraction for 3-4 nice slow breaths is also an effective way to fire those muscles and build better posture.  try starting out with 2-3 sets at a time, once or twice a day.

weight/resistance training is a great tool as well, and i'll continue to add tips and links here...

Thursday, March 29, 2012


whan i am treating a client with anxiety concerns, one of the things i may suggest is that he or she try turning off the all-day-news radio station, and not using the TV noise "for company".  we take in so much information throughout the day, and the repeated messages we absorb through the media-habit can be overwhelming and stressful.  but what then?  complete silence can be equally irritating!  music can be a great choice, but often has its own "weight" as well.
as a massage therapist, i consider myself to be well aquainted with the "relaxation" CD.  (you know;...gentle tunes, enhanced by babbling brooks and birdsong.)  so well aquainted, in fact, that i now rarely use those CDs during a treatment session...the charm faded for me after a couple of years of that mash-up.

which brings me to my recent discovery!  i found a computer application that provides several varieties of just nature recordings!   there are many kinds available for a variety of platforms, but i downloaded one called RelaxBook Nature by webgota for my blackberry playbook.  in order to ensure that it is clinic worthy, i have been test-driving the app at home.  i find it very comfortable and, well, natural!  a great solution for media-overwhelmed ears, and those tired of pachabel's canon+raindrops.