Thursday, March 29, 2012


whan i am treating a client with anxiety concerns, one of the things i may suggest is that he or she try turning off the all-day-news radio station, and not using the TV noise "for company".  we take in so much information throughout the day, and the repeated messages we absorb through the media-habit can be overwhelming and stressful.  but what then?  complete silence can be equally irritating!  music can be a great choice, but often has its own "weight" as well.
as a massage therapist, i consider myself to be well aquainted with the "relaxation" CD.  (you know;...gentle tunes, enhanced by babbling brooks and birdsong.)  so well aquainted, in fact, that i now rarely use those CDs during a treatment session...the charm faded for me after a couple of years of that mash-up.

which brings me to my recent discovery!  i found a computer application that provides several varieties of just nature recordings!   there are many kinds available for a variety of platforms, but i downloaded one called RelaxBook Nature by webgota for my blackberry playbook.  in order to ensure that it is clinic worthy, i have been test-driving the app at home.  i find it very comfortable and, well, natural!  a great solution for media-overwhelmed ears, and those tired of pachabel's canon+raindrops.

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